Biden’s War on White House Reporting

With at least some of them working to hold Biden to account, the White House press corps is one of the most important parts of the press…

That’s why Joe Biden’s shaking them down.

By charging reporters hundreds of dollars at a time, Biden’s working to kill everything but the mainstream media… here’s how.

For decades, the White House press corps has reported directly on press briefings from Press Secretaries, Presidents and more, covering some of the most important stories across America.

In other words, they’re a fundamentally important part of American democracy, holding the White House to account through their questioning and reporting.

The trouble is, Biden’s now doing everything he can to wipe out the press corps, purging everyone except the mainstream media outlets rich enough to afford ridiculous fees, and loyal enough to avoid asking Biden any inconvenient questions, no matter what he does. 

It was recently revealed that Biden plans to take a completely unprecedented step against the press corps. Not only will each and every member of the corps attending a press briefing have to take a COVID test… they’ll have to pay $170 for the privilege. 

Sure, the tests may be necessary – it’s why President Trump’s team started requiring them.

But up until now, the White House has done the sane thing, and taken care of the cost themselves.

Now, according to Biden’s team, the richest country in the world can’t afford to pay for one of the most crucial parts of our democracy.

As of Monday, every attending member of the press corps is now having to foot the entire bill themselves, paying around $170 per day for the testing.

With the press corps attending the White House daily, that $170 fee adds up quickly… over $60,000 per year is far more than some can afford.

And keep in mind, most news agencies aren’t just sending one person to cover the briefings… at 1 reporter, 2 cameramen, someone working on sound, and another person coordinating it all, that’s over $300,000 a year just to play the game…

Sure, the biggest media organizations won’t have any trouble stretching their budget – but it’s a big enough charge to price out just about every smaller news agency. 

It’s business as usual for the dems – no aid for the little guy, but unbelievably vast benefits for their biggest allies. 

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One Thought to “Biden’s War on White House Reporting”

  1. Not worth listening to goofy and the redheaded mini mouse. Why pay to be censored for telling the truth.

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